Not enough is being done for EU island states, says MEP Josianne Cutajar

Despite around 2,400 inhabited islands in EU member states, Labor MEP Josianne Cutajar warns that the European Union is not doing enough for island states like Malta.
“Between what is said and what is done in practice, the European Union is not doing enough,” she said during our Ask the MEP! series of interviews.
Cutajar is currently the shadow rapporteur for the Committee of the Regions. The committee is working on a report on island states, and Cutajar’s role is to negotiate amendments to the report so that the final product is approved in parliament.
“Since the day I set foot in parliament, I have always lobbied for the islands to get more recognition and support internationally,” Cutajar said of his work on the report.
The last piece of EU legislation that touched on EU islands was quite “lightweight”, in Cutajar’s words. However, this upcoming report would be more full-bodied.
Cutajar said this new report would affect Malta and Gozo by elevating their status to priority status, making the archipelago the target of more initiatives and support.
The same report highlights the importance of SMEs established in European islands. Cutajar said more flexibility was needed in state aid rules so that island SMEs could be better supported in their growth.
The European Parliament is currently helping SMEs in Malta by providing advisers and contacts, programs and initiatives to help people access the support funds to which they are entitled and understand the opportunities available to them.
The digital decade
“In 10 years, we will need 100% of all public services to be digitized and accessible online,” Cutajar said.
Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and connectivity are also part of the digital movement and discussions in Parliament are ongoing on all these topics.
“What is coming is a double transition, essentially the technological and environmental changes that we need to make are connected and will be carried out at the same time as the objectives and work in these areas.
Among other issues, that of connectivity, namely the proposed plans for 5G service throughout the EU. Introducing fast connectivity services would help address digital gaps for vulnerable people and those living in remote areas.
“We have had instances caused by the pandemic where workers and students could not carry out their duties because they could not afford to access the internet…Things like this illustrate how, over time, human rights may also encompass internet access. and digital technology.
She added that digital technology can contribute to energy efficiency while propelling the EU towards a carbon neutral model in line with the 2030 targets.
But digital technology can pose difficult ethical dilemmas, as with artificial intelligence. “We need to have clear rules for determining blame and also provide adequate protection and compensation to citizens in case AI causes them harm, such as in the case of a self-driving car accident.”
“I think we need a balance between regulation and research and development…Regulation provides a certain level of certainty and a basis on which potential investors can feel safe and assess what they want to support… These challenges are also opportunities.”