Island States Promote Nature-Based Solutions to Combat Climate Change | News | SDG Knowledge Center

An event at the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain, focused on the role of nature-based solutions and approaches in protecting seagrass, mangrove and seagrass ecosystems. salt marshes with multiple co-benefits including combating climate change.
The event titled “Nature-Based Solutions: Integrating Coastal Ecosystems into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 2020” took place on December 3 and was organized by Pew Charitable Trusts (PCT), Seychelles and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
In a keynote address, Ronny Jumeau, UN Permanent Representative to Seychelles, noted that consideration of blue carbon ecosystems aligns with growing support for nature-based solutions, and highlighted the awareness of oceans as part of the climate solution. Jumeau also highlighted the creation of a Blue Bond in Seychelles to support sustainable marine and fisheries projects.
Lois Young, Permanent Representative to the UN, Belize, said her country’s NDC has a strong blue carbon protection component and cited commitments “to restore and protect mangrove ecosystems as net carbon sinks of d ‘here 2030’. She highlighted the co-benefits of protecting low-lying coastal areas from storms and soil erosion, such as increased fish stocks.
Rochelle Newbold, Director of the Bahamas Science and Technology Commission, Department of Environment and Housing, highlighted the need for more investment in nature-based solutions to deal with flooding, erosion and surges. storm, and to increase the ambition to guarantee the survival of the islands.
Jeanette Mani, Climate Change Division, Fiji, highlighted the need to dramatically increase the replanting and preservation of mangroves to achieve net zero emissions by 2025. On opportunities for the future, she called on the Chair of the 25th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the UNFCCC to launch a pathway to improve the health of the oceans. [IISD RS Coverage of Side Event] [TNC’s Climate Change Website]
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IISD’s News Services provides coverage of selected side events at the UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid.