IRENA and small island states align to accelerate energy transition

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) have signed an agreement that will see the two organizations work closely together to mobilize climate finance and advance the deployment of renewable energy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). .
According to an IRENA analysis of the first cycle of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) conducted in 2019, approximately $ 16 billion in funding is needed by 2030 to achieve their respective goals in SIDS. In September of this year, AOSIS and IRENA, through the SIDS Flagship Initiative, pledged to achieve a total of 10 GW of installed renewable energy capacity in all SIDS by 2030 in the framework of a joint energy pact submitted to the UN. By the end of 2020, around 6 GW of renewable energy was operational in SIDS.
The signing ceremony took place at the AOSIS pavilion – the first time the Alliance has secured a space for the representation of small islands at the COP – between IRENA Director General Francesco La Camera and HE Mr. Molwyn Joseph, Minister of Health, Welfare and Environment of Antigua and Barbuda and President of AOSIS.
“The plight of the world’s small islands must serve as a constant reminder of the urgency to act,” said Francesco La Camera, Director General of IRENA. “The enthusiasm noted during this COP must now translate into commitments into actions in the months and years ahead. In this context, IRENA and AOSIS will redouble their efforts to maintain the leadership in energy transition shown by island nations since the signing of the Paris Agreement by working to mobilize climate finance and strengthen the implementation program.
AOSIS represents 44 small islands and low-lying coastal developing states representing 39 SIDS in the Caribbean, Pacific and Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea.
“IRENA has steadfastly supported the work undertaken in our island countries to accelerate the transition to renewable energy for almost a decade, so we are very happy to finally be able to make it ‘official’,” said Joseph.
The partnership will work to operationalize the ‘Ambitious SIDS Climate Action Summit Package’ announced at the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019 and aims for increased access to financial instruments for risk reduction to achieve energy transition objectives by 2030. The whole is operationalized through the SIDS Lighthouse Initiative (LHI) coordinated by IRENA, made up of 38 SIDS and 31 partners, including developed countries, regional and international organizations, development agencies, private companies, research institutes and non-profit organizations.
IRENA and AOSIS, through this cooperation, will also support the improvement and implementation of NDCs and the pursuit of sustainable development in SIDS. Other areas of cooperation will include enhanced coordination of SIDS program and actions through information and knowledge exchange, tailor-made capacity building activities, evaluation opportunities for use and applications. renewable energies and the publication of technical documents on energy transition and climate action for the Atlantic, India Ocean and South China Sea (AIS), Caribbean and Pacific regions.