When you need to make an impression while passing on your essential contact details, a business card is your best networking friend. But it can be a balancing act when it comes to what information you should include.

To ensure you have a lasting impact, here’s what to put on a business card.

Work with a good model

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Your starting point for the perfect business card is the layout. And with a good business card template, you can take the hassle out of designing a template.

With the Bizay online printing house, you benefit from a wide choice of professional models and the possibility of print cheap business cards online. Once you have the right design template, you can easily create a business card that can be personalized to get you noticed. And that starts with getting the essential information right. Here’s what you need to include:

1. Your logo

Your business card is part of your brand, so if you have one, always include your logo in the template. You can also strengthen your brand image creatively using your logo colors in the business card design. And if your logo or brand has a tagline or call to action, try to include that too.

But if you want your logo and brand to stand out, they shouldn’t overshadow your main contact details by taking up too much space or making them difficult to read.

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2. Your name and function

The point of a business card is to serve as your introduction. So, your name and job title should take pride of place on any business card design.

Use your name as you prefer to be addressed and, where appropriate, include any titles that add more information about you.

You should also include your job title, but it should give the reader an immediate understanding of what you do and the service you provide. So while generic titles, such as director or photographer, are acceptable, adding more specific details or a specialty (eg, portrait photographer) can help you stand out.

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3. Contact details

Your contact information underpins the purpose of a business card, so you need to master this aspect of the design. The information you provide should allow someone to contact you quickly and easily.

Use your direct and mobile phone number, as well as your work email address. And only include an address or geographic location if it’s relevant to how you do business.

4. Website

If you have a website related to your business or service, include its address after your contact information. A good tip is to keep its URL concise to encourage traffic to your site.

5. Social media

We live in a digital world, so including your major social media platforms on your business card is always a good idea. But with the limited space of a business card, only include those that are essential to the job at hand. And don’t be tempted to list all your social media links – use the logos of your chosen platforms to show potential customers where you are.

Get creative with “white space”

Although it can be tempting to include a lot of information, too much information will overload a business card and make it difficult to read and use. Less is more and ensures that you only have the essential information needed to create a connection or lead.

Making the most of the “white space” or background space on a business card can also make the difference. Providing enough context ensures that the information you include is accessible and easy to read. And this well-designed professional business card will create the lasting impression you’re looking for.

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Lynn A. Saleh